Patients should note that consultations and medical records are confidential.
All doctors are bound by the strictest rules of confidentiality which protects patients from having any information passed to a third party without their signed permission.
Members of staff are not permitted to divulge any information concerning a patient unless by authorisation of the doctor concerned.
Everyone working in the NHS has a legal duty to keep information about you confidential and adheres to a Code of Practice on Protecting Patients.
The practice is regulated by the Data Protection Act. A leaflet available from reception entitled "Protecting Personal Information - A Guide for Patients" explains how the NHS uses information to care for patients and how the practice might use the personal data we hold. Sometimes we need to disclose personal data in certain circumstances, which might include maintenance of routine records, dealing with a medical emergency, referring patients to health care professional specialists or for administrative purposes (certain services attract payments which the practice needs to claim and have verified, and routine checks will be made for this purpose by NHS staff). Also, there are crime and disorder issues which might involve disclosure to the police as well as Audit procedures which could include studies designed to improve efficiency of the NHS as an organisation.
The Data Protection Act assures you of a number of rights in relation to how your personal information is used, including a right to access the information we hold about you. If you have any queries or concerns on how we use your personal information or would like to access that information, please contact our practice manager.
Access to your medical records for an Emergency Care Summary takes place for certain aspects of your health care provision. If you do not wish to have your records accessed for an emergency care summary, or require further information, please contact the practice manager.